Monday, March 24, 2014

Investigating Commitment - March 24, 2014

Tomorrow is our first month anniversary. I promise not to go crazy and talk about anniversaries every month. Our next major milestone will be at 6 months and then 1 year. I still can't believe its been a month already, feels like it's only been a few days. In essence, it has only been a few days, I guess. Nonetheless, this is a major deal.

Clearly I've had and still do have commitment issues with blogging, exercising and other healthy habits. I don't seem to have any trouble committing to wanting a healthier existence or figuring out how to live a healthier existence. Where my difficulty lies is committing to some of the steps it takes to achieve a healthier existence. There's a huge difference between the two. Does that make sense? It seems kind of weird to me, albeit a fact.

I'm going to take a closer look at this thing called commitment. Its no secret that I am in awe of people who are able to overcome insurmountable odds. I wonder what it's like to have the level of commitment it takes to achieve such extraordinary goals. How do they do that? What is the thing that propels them towards success? And why can't I manage to hold onto the inspiration received from hearing their stories?

The best course to take on this leg of my journey is to begin with the definition of that which is the "stuff" of inspirational motivation...commitment. Here are a couple definitions.

noun: commitment; plural noun: commitments
  1. 1.
    the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
    "the company's commitment to quality"
The first definition for commitment is functional enough, but rather boring. I'd much prefer to use the second definition found in Urban Dictionary, and it reads:

Commitment is what
Transforms the promise into reality.
It is the words that speak
Boldly of your intentions.
And the actions which speak
Louder than the words.
It is making the time
When there is none.
Coming through time
After time after time,
Year after year after year.
Commitment is the stuff
Character is made of;
The power to change
The face of things.
It is the daily triumph
Of integrity over skepticism.

When I say I love you, I mean that I'm committed to working to love you even when it's hard.

by Ashbash January 13, 2005

This is the very thing that I want to achieve...the ability to commit to that which will helps facilitate mental, physical and spiritual healing...CHANGE!

Today I ate breakfast at 11:38am. I had a small portion of leftover rice with chicken, tomatoes and okra with a cup of water. Since I ate breakfast late, I had a snack at 3:47pm. I ate turkey ham, cheese and crackers with a cup of water. I also shared the cinnamon bun with my son this afternoon, right after snack. For Dinner I had the remainder of leftover rice, chicken and veggies with 4 fresh salmon fritters and water. For my late night snack I will have a small bowl of raisin bran cereal and milk.

Tomorrow I will resume taking 5 minutes to exercise.

"I have hope for a healthier tomorrow because I know the rest of my life begins today."


  1. You are already in the commitment phase of this, don't feel that you haven't yet arrived...commitment is a flowing and bumpy river, resting and 'non-thinking' periods must be woven into the fabric of any commitment- as well as 'slips' and setbacks, and adjusting along the way! So is life, a commitment to live...Oh my friend...Just me Alyce.

  2. Yes, I am committed to wanting to heal, but I am not committed to some of the tasks that it will take. I know that I'm not because I can't seem to even want to make myself do them. I try, maybe even succeed for a couple days and then nothing. I try again because of my original commitment to myself and this journey. There are still many facets that need to be addressed. I know you see my struggles and understand. I have to be very literal about what I feel inside or else I may slip into denial again. I don't want that. I need to be completely honest with myself about how I feel. Yes there are slippery slopes, but I've been slipping on these slopes for so long that there are permanent grooves. I can't seem to get out of the groove. I have to figure a way out. If I focus on commitment and it's very nature I'll be able to incorporate more of it's meaning into my core. It may seem weird, but that is how my mind works. I have to take things all the way in so that I can receive the most benefit from them.

    I've never examined what commitment is or what it means to me. Just as I examine love, what it is and what it means to me. That is how I am able to equate my actions into feelings and the reasoning behind the feelings. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm rambling. In my head I know what I'm saying, but not sure if it's coming across. LOL

    In other words, I know there are setbacks and 'slips', but there are also patterns that continue to replay over and over again. I have to find a way to break unhealthy patterns. These patterns are heavily engrained. If I chalk it all up to slips and setback as I've done, I'll end up spending more years going around in circles, as I've also done. It may seem that I'm being too hard on myself, but I'm only being honest about where I am right now. Thank you my friend.

  3. I do understand exactly what you are saying, I love that you say your rambling, that made me giggle, because I am always accused of rambling!! The commitment thing for you, as to how you see it, I think, can be compared to what I have to do to face my extreme fears about moving forward in cyber space, and the small business thing I'm trying so desperately to do. I get so overwhelmed and want to give up just about every day, but I am trying to keep moving forward in some facet every day...usually I give up, and go into a period of hiding, then off to a new idea. I can't keep repeating that gets me no where, spinning my wheels caught in an old you I am trying to create a new pattern that I can follow completely for fear of staying in the old 'trial and error' pattern. Thank you for listening...Alyce.

  4. Yes, my friend, you do understand. I think what I will do that could possibly help us both is to examine commitment and fear of failure. Failure which is another chain that binds is something that my parents instilled in me. They made me feel as though I were a failure...flawed...unwanted...undesirable, useless, meaningless, unaccounted for and so on. Perhaps we need to somehow and I haven't figured out how yet. Somehow work past those embedded feelings and the fears that are associated with them. What do you think about that?

    1. I know for sure, that I fight the battle on two fronts...a fear of failure, and a fear of success. Failure, for the obvious reasons, but less likely know by most people- the fear of success. This is the fear of 'too much', being out of control, opening "Pandora's Box" of responsibility...more to do, more, more, more!!! This scares the heck out of me!! Have you ever thought about this concept?...( Loving the thinking stuff here!! )...Alyce.

    2. Yes, Alyce. I've done more than think about the concept, I've admitted it. I have a very strong fear of success. I did not think of the more factor. The original root of my fear is persecution. My parents persecuted me any time I was successful or happy. I was only to be happy when they were happy. Happiness on my own would soon be snuffed out. I tremble when I think of success outside of an office work environment which is the only place I've been allowed to be successful without pain.

      When you speak my friend, it is like hearing my own voice.

  5. Yes, this is truly the year of courage. It will take all the courage we can muster up to get through our fears. We will do it...together.

  6. I'm so glad to hear you say this..together. We may have slightly differing battles, but the underlying issues as a result of abuse are so similar! I have as well succeeded in the things that I have made a commitment to do, but I guess I never really thought of it as 'commitment'...rather, I thought of these things as a challenge, or a 'game' that I could win. I don't play games, not computer games or any type of game...But the games of life- I've always taken the challenge when I had a desire to glean an outcome. It is commitment, I see that as the proper word now, that does make more sense in reality, as I am always my own opponent! This is the year of the commitment!!....Alyce

  7. Hi...I'm trying not to be a 'blog stalker' hee hee, ( I never know propriety!) Just checked in to hear the song, and sneaked a peek at 'tomorrows' responses!! Goodnight my good friend!!...Alyce.
