Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014

Greetings everyone! I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and a happy Monday. I enjoyed taking time for myself over the weekend to get away from everything and relax. I still have my usual anxiety about starting a new week, but today has been good.

I'm looking forward to sharing some of the thoughts and epiphanies that I've had over the weekend. As always, I hope to hear from you as well. Your comments are always an inspiration to me. It's getting pretty late, so this post will be short. My eating is still not where it needs to be, but I am making progress with my exercises to be committed to myself and the things that I need to do to achieve healing and a healthier relationship with myself and food.

It's has been difficult to do anything favorable for myself. Even simple things like oiling my skin a couple times a day or exercising for 5 minutes per day. I find as I continue working to love myself that I am becoming more aware of myself and the things that I find favorable about myself. I've been thinking about the little girl within. No, I have not written a letter to her yet. I've been dealing with feelings of anger towards my parents and I don't know if I should address those feelings in my letter. There is a profound sense of loss...a life wasted on nothing but survival. I think about the many talents that I had as a child and lost over the course of time. My mind drifts into thoughts of what I could have been had I had loving supportive parents. Would I have been an accomplished musician, author of a book, psychologist, anything I could have put my mind too? Would I have done well at Princeton or Yale, two schools that I was on track for, before throwing in the towel due to my parents lack of interest and support. I wanted to beat myself up for not trying harder, but how could I? I'd been fighting for survival all my life. I was tired of fighting. Instead I gave into physical needs, such as self medicating with food or alcohol.

I spent most of my adulthood blaming my parents for my lack of success. It all comes down to my inability to see my own self worth. To see myself as capable of attending any university that I desired if I just did the work. I gave up on myself. I gave up on life. I find myself wishing that I could turn back time to regain some of what was lost. I can't see being able to accomplish all that I could have I'm so much older and very tired. Will I be able to accomplish even a faction of what I once was capable of? I don't know. Dare I say it seems impossible. I have so much work to do on myself and so many responsibilities to my son and business. How will I ever manage to have the time and strength and commitment it takes to accomplish anything else? I'm not going to worry about that now. I can't. I feel the weight of this burden getting heavy and I don't need that right now. Stay focused. Only take on that which is necessary for today.

As I was saying earlier. Asides from exploring feelings of anger and loss, I also noticed some improvement of my ability to do healthy things for myself. I have acute eczema which requires putting time into skin daily regimens. I must put on steroid cream and moisturizers several times a day. Prior to this past weekend, it was like pulling teeth to take time for this task. I'd put it off later and later in the day until I'd sometimes go to bed without moisturizer or medicine at all. I've done this quite a few times and have regretted it everytime. This weekend, I found it easier and less of a trial to do. Even when my mind tried to tell me to put it off, I found the strength to say, "No, I will not put this off. It's only going to take a couple minutes and then I'll be done." Again, I know this is a small thing, but when you are damaged to the point where even the small things are colossal, all measures of improvement are cause to celebrate. One tiny step for huge step toward repairing my broken heart and spirit.

Another accomplishment that I experienced over the weekend was having cake in the house and not being triggered to binge. I actually bought one of those Sara Lee butter pound cakes last week because I was craving something sweet, but didn't want anything too sweet. Pound cake was just the thing. In the past, if I had cake in the house I would cut a slice everytime I walked by, but not this time. This time was different. I had a slice of cake after my evening meals and that would be good enough. I seem to be having less and less cravings for sweets and when I do, I only want a small amount. I've even purchased take out 3 times this past week and did order extra food for a binge. One time we had chicken with okra, and fries, another night we had hoagies. I could barely finish half of my sandwich and surprisingly had the other half for the next day...not my late night snack. We also had burgers on Tuesday. I didn't enjoy it. I'm thinking that I want to take a break from burgers for awhile. That's pretty huge.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm not at the point where I'm eating as much as I'd like during the day, but I am doing well with eating much less at night. My late night snacks are shrinking in size as well. The struggle with daytime eating is getting a little worse. I'm experiencing many ups and downs with that, but I'm still holding strong. This week I will focus more on eating better during the day. Since I'm becoming more receptive to doing better for myself, maybe I will have an easier time convincing myself to eat. Hmm, convincing myself to eat. I think that's the first time I've ever put it into words. Okay, another note to self. Be aware of difficulty levels as I work on convincing myself to eat during the day.

I'm hoping to soon include exercise in my daily routine. Once I am able to establish a healthy exercise routine, I will begin posting about weight loss progress. Trust me, I'm going to need all the support I can get when that time comes. Losing weight is a huge issue for me. We'll talk about that more when the time comes.

Today was not a good eating day even though the day went well. I ate a pack of cheese and chive crackers around 3:30pm. I ate another meal consisting of a small portion of left over veggies and mac-n-cheese around 5:40pm. I have not eaten anything else. It is 9:26pm. It's got to get better. Glad I'm able to feed my son better than I feed myself.

Well, it seems that I had more to say than I originally intended. I'm so glad that I took the time to write this post tonight. I don't want to wimp out or take too long of a break from blogging. Especially since blogging has been so instrumental when processing my feelings and difficulties.


  1. I'm happy that you are taking the care of your skin that need to be done. It's funny how these things that seem so normal for others, can be such a big deal to us!! There are days that go by where I HATE the thought of doing anything with my body at all..If it was not necessary for health I wonder if I would ever shower, comb my hair, brush my teeth, wash my hair or any of those useful rituals...maybe that extreme is just me though! I LOVE to clean the house and do yard work and make things, but personal care is such a drag at times. I have an adult acne medication I'm supposed to be using every day, but I can't remember the last time I used it! Mainly because you have to use sun screen when it's used, and I feel icky and greasy with sun screen on, so I just never go out in the sun without a hat or umbrella. I never really gave this much thought until now, about how much this medication has affected my life, and my avoidance behaviors that I've developed due to it. Must give this a study....hmmm...Alyce.

  2. Yes, it seems the study of oneself if ongoing. Alyce, I totally understand where you are coming from. I have to say, it is as though we are kindred spirits living parallel lives. I too suffer from a lack of interest in daily care rituals. I don't know if it is in fact extreme or if it's something we simply don't talk about. It's hard to admit these things and I could only speak of it with someone who understand. I've never talked about my issues with daily care before now. Thank you so much for your continued honesty and courage.

    I think avoidance behaviors come from several sources. One being that I don't like to do that which I do not feel is important and I can't identify why some things are more important to me than other things. I just think of myself as an interest driven person.

    I also think avoidance behaviors can stem from a need to control. When we find ourselves trapped in a situation that we cannot control we seek ways that we can exhibit some measure of control. Avoiding doing something that we know should be done could be a form of control. Just thought I'd add a little more for both of us to think about.

  3. Well you may indeed be on to something!! Avoidance, in order to control the un-controllable! So if I never go outside, I am in essence controlling the 'Need' of sun screen! "The sun will not win against my skin!!' ha ha ha!! I had such terrible acne as a teen, started at age 9, and never really went away. It was terrible as a kid, the looks and comments from idiots as well as 'kindly' and 'helpful' people. Oh I so don't miss those many, many years. I have never been comfortable in my skin, it has betrayed me on every level. 'I WILL win against it!!"...yeah, right! Oh I don't know how to fight this battle!!...Alyce.

  4. Don't worry, Alyce. We will figure out how to fight our battles. Just take it one day at a time, one thought at a time.
