Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014

It's Friday everyone! I'm so glad we made it to the weeks end. I've had a pretty good week and I hope the same for you.

Last time I posted, I shared concerns about my having strong cravings for sweets, late night. All has gone well with that. It seems once I recognized that I had a sweet option (pears in extra light syrup) everything was okay. Like a sedative, my mind instantly calmed and I did not have strong cravings that night or last night and I still have my pears. I guess that's what you call mind over matter.

As a whole, I think that I'm doing fairly well. I'm having some stressful issues, but not so bad that I'm messing up on day time eating.

Do holidays trigger you to eat differently? Fortunately for me, I don't engage in traditional holiday practice, so holidays rarely influence my eating. I just know not to allow free access to foods that may trigger binging.

For the last couple of days I've had eggs and cheese for breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and for dinner, some form of chicken with brown rice or wheat pasta and veggies.

This weekend I'll be working more on my vision of self. I heard a saying from someone, can't remember who. They say if you can envision yourself smaller than you will get smaller. I doubt there's any merit to that. If there were, there would me more thin people in the world. Oh how I wish I cold think myself thin. Anyway, I'm wanting to try exercise again, so I will, but I won't make any promises to myself...not just yet.

I would really like your input on something. In many of my posts, I have noted what foods I've eaten for that day. I'm not sure if this is a good thing for you to read or not. On other sites, I notice that they ask people to be sensitive about what they post, especially numbers like weight and calories. I wont be posting any weights and I don't measure my food. That is a big for me. Measuring and weighing foods will send me careening back into starvation mode. Anything resembling a diet is no good for me. My question to you is...does it bother you when I share what I've eaten that day or do you find it helpful to know or does it matter at all? Just wondering...

I'm not planning on posting this weekend.

Happy Easter! I hope you all have a safe and pleasant holiday weekend.


  1. I like it when you post what you've eaten, because when you eat well in the day time, I know you will do well in the evening, as this is your goal. Others may have a problem with foods-triggers, or the mentioning of diets etc. I myself do not..I don't know why. I do know that my personal relationships and goings-on, are what become triggers for me. Happy Easter friend, I sincerely hope you and your son have a splendid time this weekend. My son's birthday is tomorrow, so we will have a busy weekend!...Love, Alyce.

  2. Thank you, Alyce. I greatly appreciate your comment. I was wondering if mentioning my food intake was a trigger or not. I personally gain a lot from mentioning my intake. It helps me stay focused on what I am actually eating.

    Happy Birthday!!! To your son. I hope you guys have a wonderful birthday and Easter weekend!!
