Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sharing Progress

Hi everyone! I hope that you are still on the road to wellness. If not, don't worry the road is still there. You'll just have to make your way back. As you know, the road to wellness has many hills and valleys. What makes the path a successful one is when we accept and acknowledge that hills and valleys will come and continue working hard to achieve our goals.


I've been thinking about you and hoping the best for you. I have not written in some time. I don't want to risk being redundant or mundane, so I pace myself that I am able to give you up to date information as it occurs. Sometimes I go through periods of time with little to no change. Which is a  good thing for me most of the time. I hope the breaks aren't too long and that you will continue reading my posts.

There's not too much going on with me. I am pleased to say that I'm still eating very well during the day. I've had a couple night binges since my last post, but doing much better. Things seem to be on the right course now that I've gotten a much better handle on daytime eating. Still having to rely on late night snacks, but I don't have to have them every night. I prepare them still, but only eat the snack if I feel I really need it.

I'm in a much better place with myself. I feel love for myself and I'm working on having a healthy relationship with myself. My afformations are working. I didn't think they would at first, but they really are. I'm glad I stuck to it this time. I'm still struggling with my letter to self. Been talking to the therapist about it and we both agree this is something that I'll need to keep at the forefront. Not to push myself too much, but give the task my attention from time to time. Eventually, I will get the 1st letter written. 

You opinion is needed. I've been thinking about doing a few audio posts in this blog. Is that something you'd be interested in? I figure it might be nice to just listen sometimes. Please let me know if you think you'd like to listen to a few posts. I may do a test audio post and ask your opinion then. You comments are always appreciated.

(Alert: Potential Trigger)
On the down side, I went to see my doctor about a week ago. Of course you know the first thing I had to do was to get on the scale. I don't understand why they insist weighing has to happen each visit, especially with someone who is diagnosed with an ED. I wonder if it would help that I mention this while setting up appointments? Anyway, I got on the scale and to my dismay, discovered that I'd gained weight. I wish I could get the number out of my head. I have not let new discovery disturb or disrupt the progress I've made. I acknowledge the effect it could have on me, so I make it a point to be extra mindful of eating for my health everyday. I've been doing so well lately. I can't bare the thought of falling back to my old ways. I don't know why I've gained weight. Right now all I can do is continue thinking healthy and changing some of the things that I've been eating. I'm not going to get hyper focused on this. Please don't allow my words to trigger you.

On to happier subjects. My skin in looking better and I will be seeing a new dermatologist soon. I've been seeing my old dermatologist for many years. I think he's just tired of seeing me and really doesn't care anymore. It's largely because I question his judgment sometimes. I don't like taking lots of pills and I'm particularly weary of side effects. Needless to say, I don't give in easy. Perhaps he's just tired of the fight.

I had my godson over for a movie night before his birthday. He just turned 21. It doesn't seem like it's been 21 years, not to mention, my son is turning 15 next month. Time is moving way too fast. (sigh) In the past, my godson's visits have been a source of great binging pleasure. We've always had a history of eating everything we wanted on the nights that he visits. I guess one could rationalize it and say we were having a foodie vacation. The reality was that I had an eating partner and enjoyed sharing the wealth. I've only recently accepted the fact that I did this. For the past few years I've been encouraging my godson to eat less when visiting us. I wasn't that strict and would often give in to his sad puppy dog eyes when gazing at a delectable treat. Since I've come to terms with severity of my situation I've become much more strict. He doesn't like it, but that's how it has to be. I can't afford to keep binging with him and I don't want to encourage him to binge, especially now that I can see what is was all along...a love of mass quantities of food after dark.

During his last visit I treated him to Chinese food, which he loves. This time we were only allowed one entre, one appetizer and one snack for later on. I knew he was disappointed and tried to hide it, but I also noticed the he was satisfied with the quantity of food. That he did not gorge himself as he used to, but was forced to allowed himself time to feel full. Yes, I am doing the right thing...for both of us. Oddly enough, my son never got into the binging on movie night. I'm so very glad about that.

All in all, I think that I have made great strides on many levels. I can see a rainbow at the end of the tunnel. I continue to hope that my words encourage you. Wellness is achievable for all of us if only we don't give up. Stay strong...be encouraged, especially during the rough patches and celebrate your accomplishments as they come.

Give yourselves a hug today and here's a great big hug from me to you (((((HUG)))).

Take good care my friends, continue on your journey to wellness. You are not alone.


  1. Oh I think an audio would be great! I can't find one reason not to do it! That's good you are able to keep on track with your eating plan even though your eating buddy was there! I do have a hard time when my Husband wants to snack on things I love. I wonder how it is that sometimes I can do exactly as I need to in regards to snacking...and other times, I literally have no stopping point! I am best not to start! My feet are almost healed since I hurt them in July...so disappointing though, still, I was doing so good- but I am back to trying again- this time not to go crazy and only 10 minutes on the treadmill, and 10 minutes on the foot pedals until I'm healed completely....Love Alyce.

  2. I am so glad to hear that your feet are healing well. It is easy to go overboard when it comes to things like exercise and food consumption or the lack there of. Especially when there is such a sensitivity too it...an inability to maintain healthy eating patters. Much like with the other situation you spoke of in your comment on the ED-NOS post. It really comes down to truly loving and accepting yourself. Being able to have a healthy relationship with self paves the way for you to have healthy relationships with all other aspects of your life. I am starting to see this for the 1st time in my life. How I am with myself makes all the difference.

  3. I think my biggest thing right now, is the fact that I have to severely change my life style, and there are absolutely NO immediate rewards, ever. I don't feel better, I don't look better, and I have to exercise through pain, (apparently now) so I don't add to my escalating problem of weight gain/physical pain. I see why for me the temptation to night eat is so pervasive, it is fun while it's happening. Oh I must keep on keeping on and try not to worry so much and find another form of immediate gratification...Alyce.

  4. I wonder...do I have anything that gives me immediate gratification...I don't think so. I hesitated to respond to your comment because I wanted to think more about gratification. Isn't it possible to become, in a way, addicted to things that offer instant gratification. Sounds like it could become problematic if another source of instant gratification is desired. Would it be possible for you to work towards appreciating gratification in the long-term or break it down and see the rewards as you go? My mind is still reeling around the notion....

  5. I think the subject of topic here, is one that throughout all of history, has been the question! Immediate results vs long term results- and how to overcome. I'm sorry I got your mind spinning on this, I didn't mean to! Maybe this is a trigger warning subject...I just never know what warrants a warning or not...Love Alyce.

  6. Perhaps it is, but in this case I don't mind because it makes me question why I've done some of the things I have done. Was it instant gratification being that there was little to no gratification in my childhood accept in the form of food. I'd never thought of it in that way. Yes, you are making my mind spin, but it's a good thing.

  7. I just wanted to drop by and check out your most recent posts and add that I can't hear anything on my computer therefore I guess that I won't be able to listen to your video etc...One day I will get a sound card. Sure would have liked to listen to that video you had posted after this one. Hugs!

  8. I wish you could hear it also. One day soon you will. Do they have programs that offer low to no cost lap tops/computers for special needs individuals. Your son may be eligible for something like that. Check around and see what is available. There are so many wonderful programs there that there should be some resource for technology. At least one would think... :-)
