Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014 Cont'd

Hey, I'm just checking in. Ran a few late errands and ordered dinner when I got home. We're having chicken philly sandwiches. I ordered a 6 inch with fries for my son and a 12 inch with small onion rings for me. I'm not going to eat the entire sandwich in one sitting. I've already made late night plans for the other half. Don't be afraid. I am not going to binge out, but I will eat the other half of that sandwich.

I hope one day to be able to order a 6 inch sandwich and be satisfied or save the other 6 inches for the next day. I don't know if that day will ever come. As for tonight, I will celebrate not having a big binge. One day I will be able to celebrate not eating anything at night. I'm a long ways away from that goal, but making strides. Just add it to the long list of things to work on.

It's 10:32pm. Right now I am full from my late dinner. Not sure what time I will finish the other half of my sandwich. It could be as late as 1am.

Tomorrow is another day. I'll be one step closer to my goal of eating breakfast at or around 10am. The other part of the plan is to cut back on my late night snack as soon as I get a handle on a healthier daytime eating schedule.

One day at a step at a time. Onward and Upward!!

Good night! Sleep well. Be healthy.

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