Greeting everyone! I hope you are well. I wanted to share a few good articles and interview that I found targeting eating disorders in African American/Black/EthnicWomen and Men.
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner: Eating Disorders in African Americans
Women of Color & Eating Disorders
Neda - Feeding Hope
Please take a moment to scroll down to the bottom of the article, Neda - Feeding Hope, to listen to Joy Keys interview special guests Stephanie Covington Armstrong, author of "Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat: A Story of Bulimia," and former NEDA Director of Programs, Laurie Vanderboom as they discuss the struggles black women face when seeking help for an eating disorder.
If you have trouble accessing the link for Joy Keys interview here is the direct link African American Women and Eating Disorders
Here's more information on Stephanie Covington Armstrong's book, Not All Black Girls Know How to Eat: A Story of Bulimia. Not All Black Girls Know How To Eat
Eating Disorders and Minorities
I hope these articles and interview will help many minority women and men realized that they are not suffering alone and these issues need to be talked about. Don't let anyone tell you that African American/Blacks/Ethnics do not have eating disorders. Keep seeking help and reaching out to others. Help will come and healing will begin.
Stay strong and don't give up.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
No More Hiding: Letting Go At Last
Prayer is an intricate part of my healing journey. One of the many things I've prayed for is the ability to see myself through my own eyes...not the eyes of my parents.
It took some time before I realized that I did not know myself or see myself as ought to. I only saw what my parents taught me to see. I saw a life not worth living beyond the service I provided. I put all others before myself, fulfilling their sole priority. I saw ability that would never be recognized and a thirst that would never be quenched. Deprivation was my reward and pain my only inheritance.
It's also very difficult to see yourself when you are not allowed to make even the most simple decisions for yourself. Hair was one of those things that seemed to be more of an issue than need be.
I used to sit in front of my mirror every evening and cry. My hair was always the same. Two or three ponytails with huge ribbons or bows that matched my outfit. This is how I looked everyday. I hated it and I hated my mother for making me look like this.
When I closed my eyes I could see myself with very long hair, but the hair looked strange to me. It looked like braids but it wasn't braided. I didn't know what locks were and had no idea that was the hairstyle I envisioned. I would also see myself with huge hair, wild and curly...unruly. I loved seeing myself like that. Then I'd open my eyes again to see what was still my reality and I retreated further into myself.
One day, I asked my mom if I could wear my hair braided. Absolutely not, she said. I asked, why? Mom turned to me as if to give a life lesson. She said, wearing your hair natural will only make you look ignorant. You must straighten your hair so people will think of you as intelligent. My heart sank and so did my head as I slowly walked back to my room to sit in front of my mirror and cry. I've never forgotten her words.
It would not be until I was in my mid 30s that I would be able to stand up to my mother and tell her how I wanted to wear my hair. I guess you may be wondering why it took so long for me to do this. All I can say is if you have to ask then you don't know what it is to have controlling parents. You can't begin to fathom what it is to be under such tight control and scrutiny. Every independent decision outside of what my parents wanted was made with great trembling and sacrifice. My parents did not take disobedience kindly and any act of disobedience was met with intense cruelty and matter my age.
Finally, I broke free from one of the chains that bound me. I cut off all the permed hair and I wore my hair braided for a few years. A week before my 40th birthday I felt a strong urge to begin twisting my hair. I always knew I was going to lock my hair one day, but wasn't sure when. The day had come and I gave into the call. I wore my hair locked for 9 years. I loved my hair. The first time I looked in the mirror and saw my locks in their full light I knew I had finally seen the vision of myself that I saw so many years ago. For once, I stood in front of my mirror and smiled.
During the ninth year of my locks a terrible thing happened. My eczema took a turn for the worse spreading over most of my body including my scalp. Having no insurance at the time, I fought with all I had to remedy my skin, paying cash for doctor appointments to get prescriptions for topical ointments. I also used tea tree oil and soap (natural anti-fungal), a probiotic and diphenhydramine to help with itching. There was little I could do to and save my hair. My skin is much better, but my hair was lost. Locks fell daily, one sometimes two at a time. There was nothing I could do to save them. Each fallen lock was mourned and put away.
It's been about a year since loosing the first lock. I stood in front of my mirror looking at the few remaining locks and thought to myself...why are you hiding? I've spent the last year trying to hold on to something that cannot stay. All I could see was massive loss. My strength and everything else my locks represented was gone. I've been stripped. There's no where else to hide.
About a month ago I cut off my remaining locks and placed them in a bag where all fallen locks are kept. I stood there squeezing the bag close to my chest, making peace with my decision. It is time for me to face myself. This time in my most natural state. My prayers were being answered, though I had not realized it yet.
I Am As I Am
One more look in the mirror.
There I stand.
Hair shorter than ever.
I began to cry,
Only this time it wasn't tears of sadness,
But tears of joy and relief.
I am free, I said.
No more hiding.
I no longer need my locks to be my identity.
Nor do I need my locks to be,
My strength, my beauty,
Or proclamation of indoctrination of my mind and spirit.
I am just as I am,
And ought to be.
For the first time I see me.
I am budding and soon will be in full bloom.
My inner light fills the room.
I lean forward taking a closer look.
I am just as I am,
As I ought to be.
And I'm loving everything I see.
For the first time,
With my own eyes,
I can see me.
It took some time before I realized that I did not know myself or see myself as ought to. I only saw what my parents taught me to see. I saw a life not worth living beyond the service I provided. I put all others before myself, fulfilling their sole priority. I saw ability that would never be recognized and a thirst that would never be quenched. Deprivation was my reward and pain my only inheritance.
It's also very difficult to see yourself when you are not allowed to make even the most simple decisions for yourself. Hair was one of those things that seemed to be more of an issue than need be.
I used to sit in front of my mirror every evening and cry. My hair was always the same. Two or three ponytails with huge ribbons or bows that matched my outfit. This is how I looked everyday. I hated it and I hated my mother for making me look like this.
When I closed my eyes I could see myself with very long hair, but the hair looked strange to me. It looked like braids but it wasn't braided. I didn't know what locks were and had no idea that was the hairstyle I envisioned. I would also see myself with huge hair, wild and curly...unruly. I loved seeing myself like that. Then I'd open my eyes again to see what was still my reality and I retreated further into myself.
One day, I asked my mom if I could wear my hair braided. Absolutely not, she said. I asked, why? Mom turned to me as if to give a life lesson. She said, wearing your hair natural will only make you look ignorant. You must straighten your hair so people will think of you as intelligent. My heart sank and so did my head as I slowly walked back to my room to sit in front of my mirror and cry. I've never forgotten her words.
It would not be until I was in my mid 30s that I would be able to stand up to my mother and tell her how I wanted to wear my hair. I guess you may be wondering why it took so long for me to do this. All I can say is if you have to ask then you don't know what it is to have controlling parents. You can't begin to fathom what it is to be under such tight control and scrutiny. Every independent decision outside of what my parents wanted was made with great trembling and sacrifice. My parents did not take disobedience kindly and any act of disobedience was met with intense cruelty and matter my age.
Finally, I broke free from one of the chains that bound me. I cut off all the permed hair and I wore my hair braided for a few years. A week before my 40th birthday I felt a strong urge to begin twisting my hair. I always knew I was going to lock my hair one day, but wasn't sure when. The day had come and I gave into the call. I wore my hair locked for 9 years. I loved my hair. The first time I looked in the mirror and saw my locks in their full light I knew I had finally seen the vision of myself that I saw so many years ago. For once, I stood in front of my mirror and smiled.
During the ninth year of my locks a terrible thing happened. My eczema took a turn for the worse spreading over most of my body including my scalp. Having no insurance at the time, I fought with all I had to remedy my skin, paying cash for doctor appointments to get prescriptions for topical ointments. I also used tea tree oil and soap (natural anti-fungal), a probiotic and diphenhydramine to help with itching. There was little I could do to and save my hair. My skin is much better, but my hair was lost. Locks fell daily, one sometimes two at a time. There was nothing I could do to save them. Each fallen lock was mourned and put away.
It's been about a year since loosing the first lock. I stood in front of my mirror looking at the few remaining locks and thought to myself...why are you hiding? I've spent the last year trying to hold on to something that cannot stay. All I could see was massive loss. My strength and everything else my locks represented was gone. I've been stripped. There's no where else to hide.
About a month ago I cut off my remaining locks and placed them in a bag where all fallen locks are kept. I stood there squeezing the bag close to my chest, making peace with my decision. It is time for me to face myself. This time in my most natural state. My prayers were being answered, though I had not realized it yet.
I Am As I Am
One more look in the mirror.
There I stand.
Hair shorter than ever.
I began to cry,
Only this time it wasn't tears of sadness,
But tears of joy and relief.
I am free, I said.
No more hiding.
I no longer need my locks to be my identity.
Nor do I need my locks to be,
My strength, my beauty,
Or proclamation of indoctrination of my mind and spirit.
I am just as I am,
And ought to be.
For the first time I see me.
I am budding and soon will be in full bloom.
My inner light fills the room.
I lean forward taking a closer look.
I am just as I am,
As I ought to be.
And I'm loving everything I see.
For the first time,
With my own eyes,
I can see me.
Emotional Healing,
Love Yourself,
New beginnings
Monday, March 2, 2015
The Power of Liberation
I woke up feeling good today. Adding a little exercise to my routine is working well for me. I'm not stressing about it. As a matter I appreciate wanting to take time to do something special for myself. I finally feel worthy of the goodness that I'm feeling and receiving...right now.
During my morning prayers I asked God to help me have the strength to do all that I would like to do today. I need help to make steps towards accomplishing long term goals. I can only focus on one day at a time, so I am learning to only ask for what I need for today.
After prayer time I started thinking about something that was on my heart and had been for the past few days. I've been working out with my cousin for about a week. The past two days I've worked extra hard to encourage my cousin to work out with me. She said she wanted to, but at the same time she manages to get my mind off working out and we end up focusing on some personal issue she's having. I overlooked it the first time, but the second time I got a little pissed. I promised myself this would not happen a third time. I don't have time to help someone who does not want to help themselves and I began to prepare my soapbox speech. As I rehearsed my speech something happened...I was liberated. I was liberated from all anger and angst. I came into an understand and found peace in this situation.
How many times have you witnessed someone do something or heard them say something that you didn't agree with and immediately you try to change them... Be honest... I am guilty of this. My cousin admitted something to me just before we started working out together. She said to me that she was lazy. Immediately I rejected the idea and I wanted her to change. I questioned why she would admit to such a thing. She was simply stating her truth. The only thing wrong with that was that I did not want to believe or accept her truth.
I know she said she wanted to lose weight and I believe her. But she has to make the choice to help herself. I can't do that for her. I can only acknowledge and accept her truth as it is. I cannot change her, so I liberate myself. I do not have the strength or ability to carry her issues. I'm just now finding the strength to deal with my own. So I liberate myself. I accept my cousin in her truth weather I agree with her truth or not. I liberate myself. I am no longer angry about her excuses. I liberate myself. God will provide my cousin with everything she needs when the time comes, if it should come for her to seriously do something about her weight. I am not responsible for my cousin's actions or decisions. I liberate myself!!!
I liberate myself so that I may see all that God has given me to succeed in my goals today.
Liberate yourself today!! Ask God for help. Stop dragging the problems of others into your life. Focus on what you need to accomplish for yourself today. Allow yourself time for yourself even if only for 30 minutes. See yourself in YOUR truth today. And if you are truly ready to make a move in a healthier direction whatever that direction...
Then by all means begin today! Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way.
During my morning prayers I asked God to help me have the strength to do all that I would like to do today. I need help to make steps towards accomplishing long term goals. I can only focus on one day at a time, so I am learning to only ask for what I need for today.
After prayer time I started thinking about something that was on my heart and had been for the past few days. I've been working out with my cousin for about a week. The past two days I've worked extra hard to encourage my cousin to work out with me. She said she wanted to, but at the same time she manages to get my mind off working out and we end up focusing on some personal issue she's having. I overlooked it the first time, but the second time I got a little pissed. I promised myself this would not happen a third time. I don't have time to help someone who does not want to help themselves and I began to prepare my soapbox speech. As I rehearsed my speech something happened...I was liberated. I was liberated from all anger and angst. I came into an understand and found peace in this situation.
How many times have you witnessed someone do something or heard them say something that you didn't agree with and immediately you try to change them... Be honest... I am guilty of this. My cousin admitted something to me just before we started working out together. She said to me that she was lazy. Immediately I rejected the idea and I wanted her to change. I questioned why she would admit to such a thing. She was simply stating her truth. The only thing wrong with that was that I did not want to believe or accept her truth.
I know she said she wanted to lose weight and I believe her. But she has to make the choice to help herself. I can't do that for her. I can only acknowledge and accept her truth as it is. I cannot change her, so I liberate myself. I do not have the strength or ability to carry her issues. I'm just now finding the strength to deal with my own. So I liberate myself. I accept my cousin in her truth weather I agree with her truth or not. I liberate myself. I am no longer angry about her excuses. I liberate myself. God will provide my cousin with everything she needs when the time comes, if it should come for her to seriously do something about her weight. I am not responsible for my cousin's actions or decisions. I liberate myself!!!
I liberate myself so that I may see all that God has given me to succeed in my goals today.
I am liberated from that which is not profitable to my spirit!
Liberate yourself today!! Ask God for help. Stop dragging the problems of others into your life. Focus on what you need to accomplish for yourself today. Allow yourself time for yourself even if only for 30 minutes. See yourself in YOUR truth today. And if you are truly ready to make a move in a healthier direction whatever that direction...
Then by all means begin today! Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way.
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